Lock Up Your Boyfriend’s And Husbands…. Because Lord Maris The Great Is Back And On The Hunt!

By S.M. Walsh Maris The Great is the putrid, high commander of the gay undead and lead singer for his band, The Faggots Of Death. After initially reanimating in 2000, he terrorized the streets of Denver for the next 15 years - ultimately causing the bloody demise of over 120 bands, both local and national. …

Resurrection Never Looked So Fucking Bad Ass!

https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10222025738662752&set=a.4064993433419&type=3&theater "My resurrection never looked so good. Make sure to get your ticket for what promises to be the ultimate local music party of the summer.https://www.eventbrite.com/e/maris-the-great-and-the-fod-tickets-92991456951?aff=eand #makemaristhegreatagain2020#20thanniversaryreturn#gayundead#boytoybobbyisstillahotty "

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